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Gifted Education

Our Gifted Services Program, part of the Student Services Office, is an integral part of our K-12 academic program. The Gifted Services Program provides Upper Arlington students who are receiving services a rigorous curriculum to stretch their thinking and develop to their fullest potential.

While there is no single profile that fits all gifted children, typically these students demonstrate the following characteristics well before their chronological peers: 

  • acquire knowledge quickly;
  • manipulate knowledge easily;
  • see relationships between discrete pieces of information;
  • understand knowledge at a complex level;
  • are capable of abstractions and generalizations;
  • show perseverance;
  • are independent in thought and judgment;
  • are curious about many problems and issues; and
  • are motivated by the unknown.

While these characteristics are seen in other students, gifted students demonstrate them well before their chronological peers. Due to these qualities, students who are gifted need unique and diverse opportunities to meet their educational needs. 

Resources for Families

Upper Arlington Schools Gifted Identification and Services Summary

This document summarizes information about gifted identification and the services provided to eligible students.

Upper Arlington Schools Gifted Identification and Services Guide for 2024-2025

This guide contains answers to frequently asked questions about gifted identification procedures and gifted services.

Ohio Department of Education & Workforce Gifted Resources for Families

Ohio Department of Education & Workforce List of Approved Assessments

Contact Us

Upper Arlington Schools
Student Services Office
1619 Zollinger Road
Upper Arlington, OH 43221

Phone: 614-487-5197

Jaclyn Angle, Ed.D.
Chief Student Services Officer

Andrew Gillespie
Assistant Director of Student Services

Shannon Gagel
Gifted Coordinator

Cynthia Ballheim
International Baccalaureate &
Advanced Placement Coordinator

Melea Wachtman
Executive Assistant

Kelly Merullo
Program Secretary